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Frank Ngante Intimate SacredHeartCollege (‘Saheco”) classmate September 4, 2015

Intimate Sacred Heart College (‘Saheco”) classmates, countrymen/women, lend me your ears:

Please read this message in its entirety.


I guest some of us plus the friends/family knew it was coming, but even the best planning never prepares us for the loss of our beloved Vincent Che.

On behalf of the Saheco members inUSA, who knew Vincent (aka – “Gweri-man”), please accept our sincere condolences. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to weep, and a time mourn. A time to embrace and love colleagues/family members


Vincent Che: a man of few words and priceless smile, during our Saheco days…

We have come to bury Vincent, not to praise him.

The evil that men/women do lives after them;

The good is oft interred with their bones;


Our message is, not to disprove what anyone has spoken,

But here we are to speak what we do know.

You all did love Vincent once, not without cause:

What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?

O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,

And colleagues, has lost their reason. Bear with us;

Our heart is in the coffin there with Vincent Che,

And we must pause till it come back to us.


Ref to: Psalm 23:…


May God bless all my Saheco brothers, and especially Vincent Che family members, !!!


As Vincent, came forth of her mother’s womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand.

May he rest in PEACE… 

Francis Niba SECONDARY SCHOOL CLASSMATE September 1, 2015
I still have very vivid memories of our last meeting in Boston.... You had not changed a lot..... your easy going style, your kindness and elegance were still the excellent qualities I knew of you some 39 years ago  in Sacred Heart College, Mankon. Yes..... Monsieur VINCENT, you have lived a very friutfull and rewarding life. We can only comfort ourselves as believers in Birth and Death for those who believe in "Birth should also believe in Death". Peace..... Perfect..... Peace untill we meet again  to part no more.
Chobufo Rest in peace! September 1, 2015
May you rest in perfect peace. May your family never know any further pain.

kwenkam Paul Yemgai intimate classmate, colleague, brother and friend August 31, 2015

Formman  Che,

Since the devastating paroles of your untimely passing away reached us, your “yangs” are completely “carbozzed” considering your harbingering and “Kissingering” roles for all, in all environments; time and space notwithstanding.

L`homme CHE, Full of honesty, drive and goodness, you were our perfect friend and brother, as you in the traditions of your people, always brought all of us to your home where your ever welcoming parents, brothers, sisters and relatives heartily offered us everything – we thank GOD.

In you, our dreams came true; you confirmed form factor as a seasoned and successful electrical engineer; a great and successful lover -ah! Yes, we are highly appreciative and proud of your darling wife and children –oh GOD comfort and bless them abundantly; a genuine African – showing and providing total support to all in the spirit and letter of the Gospel as well of our traditions.

Like a true SHESAN, you always remembered the essence of your earthly life – to do the will of GOD; Formman GWERRI, your parents named you Vincent, we pray that St. Vincent take your soul to the Sacred Heart of JESUS CHRIST to receive His Divine Mercy enabling you to sing HIS song “O Sacred Heart” in heaven on a continuum.

Formman CHE, we are no longer carbozzed for we know that your prayers have come true; yes, you daily prayed with the psalmist “one thing I ask of the Lord for this I seek, to dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life”.  

Lord JESUS CHRIST, we thank thee for the live of our friend and brother Formman Vincent CHE and we beg thee to forgive his sins and take his soul into your heavenly kingdom.


Ntemfac Aloysius Nkong Ofege Prophet August 29, 2015
Unto us who live we know that surely we shall die for all shall die.
The critical issue is: would we have eternal life in our spirit or would we not?
Reason why it behooves me this day to show us something life-giving, something powerful, even as we mourn the passing of a Mishe.
Read Romans 10 verse 8-13.
Read it with all in you.
Read it as if it is the last thing you do.
If you do not get it do this:
Just click.
Eternal Life is this CLICK AWAY.
Finally may the power words of hope in 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 13-18 be with us always.
In Jesus Name.
Mishe Vince, you gave me this opportunity to bring eternal life unto someone.
Fare thee well, grand frere, till we meet again.

Khien Awasom-Nkimbeng Nimu August 25, 2015

Ngia Vince,
               It is really with a heavy heart that I write this farewell message to you. It is like a dream even though I claimed to have been ready a year ago. I remember crying with you on the phone when you made the dreaded phone call to me telling me you have been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. You knew I was also going through a lot health wise and we were quiet on the phone for about a minute and burst out crying. I remember telling you that we can handle this and you were like "yeah we can." I asked you where the doctor was and you said she had gone to her office and you are in the waiting room and I said "that idiot don craze" and we burst out laughing. I could still feel that moment and will hold dear to it.

You lived the last year of your life like a true fighter. Whenever I complained and told you how things were going with me, you will always reassured me that I will be alright.  I got my strength from you and made a decision that if you can handle all the health issues in your life with a smile on your face, then what more of me. Thank you for being in my life early enough to appreciate life and fight for the health I deserve. I promise you I am up to the task.

You were a man of few words and I used to be pissed off when you don't say anything but will smile and tell me "we go fixam." You ruled as the president of Macuda New England relentlessly despite your failing health. You told us you could not continue as president and we just smiled and said ok but no one stepped up to the plate. You decided to hold meetings at 452 Medford Street for ever so that we could straighten up to no avail. You were a true leader who will show up everywhere despite your circumstances. I teared up when I saw you at my graduation ceremony and could not understand how you could make it for two days back to back. When I asked you why? You said anything for you Khien.

Our last meeting is still clear in my memory. Macuda New England was with you in May and we had a blast together. We ate fresh groundnut (one of your favorites)   and you were so excited to serve us. We asked you one million times to have a seat and you just smiled. We sang, we danced and we wept together not knowing that will be our last moment together. Our last text from you was regarding the Camsoc event. Members expressed concern that they will not be available due to other comitment but you took it upon yourself to represent all of us despite your poor health. That is the leader in you and we appreciate and honor you for that.

Ngia Vince, I am blessed that our kindred spirits crossed paths. If there is anything I have learned from you is your spirit of determination, persistence and never giving up. I learnt so quick to shut up and suck it up even though I am still struggling with that. You fought a good fight. I promise you, I will live by your principles as our conversation keeps ringing in my ears. Go well my brother. We cried for a year and now is the time to celebrate you and honor you for living a life well lived. We will wear the wrist band "NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE" to remember you and promise not to cry for you but to celebrate you.
Rest in perfect peace Ngia Vince. 

With love and appreciation
Nimu Khien Nudoro

Doris Chibikom RIP August 22, 2015

I’m simply without adequate words of comfort. Let God give you good road Mr. Che. RIP

Awasom Cornelius Ngang Intimate Childhood Friend,CLASSMATE up to high sch August 22, 2015
Gweri man The eternal beamer and quiet harmless parolier as we intimately called you in Saheco,My brother and intimate  childhood comrade and partner in youth truancy,
I will for the rest of my days weep for this irreparable loss to me and our gang of intimate friends and brothers indeed who are a legion, especially those of us who sailed from RCM Small Mankon in the mid sixties  to Saheco city in the early seventies learning all the intricacies of climbing the ropes together.I will never forget the big smile and endemic group  laughter you initiated when I told a very preposterous parole about my escapades with lasses during one of our summer vacations while in Saheco.Like many others ,I had never tasted the forbidden fruit BUT had a basket full  of paroles about how I went 15 or even 16 to twenty rounds with lasses whose names I could never reveal or infact never existed in real life.This earned me the title of grand parolier in our circles until date.I still go into yr emails to me and still have a few of youe early posted mails to me in the eighties...
Muma ,my gweriman, Fare thee Well Till we all Meet In Eernity.Greet our Mankon classmates , James Azonga and Peter Nji when you meet them.
Yrs forever
Ngang Awas...le parolier

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