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Larry Kilo Brother August 29, 2015
Farewell Message to Bro Vincent Che 

Our heart aches with pain and sorrow, Our grief overflows any reason beyond comprehension We'll never forget your soothing voice. Never thought it could be you, never wanted it to be you but only God has the reason and answer why it is you. Our tears will never go away, Our hearts feel like it's been ripped into shreds and thrown away every minute, we think you will never be there again for us as you have always been: supportive, loving, genuine, honest, talented and kind. Never got the chance to say goodbye before you left us, but God only knows the reason and the why, How can all of this be true? How can all of this be true? it is very hard to accept it, not yet."Goodbye and Farewell" until we meet again brother.
Larry Kilo and family

That which is good is never finished"
Marcus and Helen Uncle and Aunt August 28, 2015
Dear Vincent,
To God be the Glory for who you were to us and for what you achieved in this world. May you be guided back home by the entire Mk heavenly hosts. Rest in perfect peace.
Marcus and Helen Chenjo
Josephine Che Sister August 28, 2015

My papa Sante, dead has decided to put us all in a state of shock. I am so sad now because i haven’t seen you for the past 10years. Sante you had to come back and stay in this house which we talked about on phone all the time with all of us but you left us so suddenly. We had our last chat on August 1st on which i sent you pictures on the renovations and recent developments, you were so excited about the project. These were your last words to me "for the outside kitchen i will figure that out later. let the current project finish and WE move in first" I could keep on saying what i feel but sante you will not come back to us.

This one is from Josephine che (sister)

Zie Chiara Niece August 28, 2015
Uncle Vincent,
Nimu Zie was how u called me. I havent seen you for uncountable years and my heart aches that i have to tell u farewell like this. I will hold on to all the sweet and encouraging words u always sent to me. May the father give you eternal rest in his home where we all belong. Your niece
Zie chiara
Sylvia Chenjo Chenjo August 28, 2015
Ngia Vincent,
I least expected that it will be that soon. Thought you could tarry on for awhile but God alone knows what is best. You did live for the Lord and now the appointed time came for you to meet your creator. May he receive your soul and grant you eternal rest in His bossom. Rest in gentle peace.
Sylvia Chenjo
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