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Che, Eckfeldt,Chenjo Family Acknowledgement August 30, 2015

The Che, Eckfeldt and Chenjo family would like to express their profound gratitude to all those whose prayers have comforted and sustained us and whose various assistance has helped us through this difficult moments.
Your unqualified kindness and love touches us all. We sincerely thank you and asked that the Lord continue to richly bless and keep you safe as you journey back to your homes.
Thank You.
khika Komtangi Brother August 30, 2015
Brother, your loving, gentle and ever present smile was like a lantern that would tell us it's alright in  the world after all.You said goodbye to soon,before we could get the best of your wisdom and guidance when we met every saturday evening for decades.You left our hearts broken and soar,but we know you loved us all.Your courage,hardwork and caring will sustain us.You will be missed every day as we pray the Lord to give you happiness and peace ,forever and ever.
Thank you.
Khika Komtangi.
Thema Che Sister August 30, 2015


Today the sun shines through the range as I picture your sweet smiling face among the angels. You are smiling because you are no longer suffering or in pain. I am left behind to deal with the pain of losing you but I do take comfort in knowing that you are where you are supposed to be and I am assured that I will see you again. Mum says you were a quiet boy in your formative years and other kids were just drawn to you and wanted to be friends and I am sure with your infectious nature has already made so many friends with all the angels in heaven. You have touched and enriched my life in so many ways while my heart is deeply grieved that you did not live longer, I am extremely grateful to God that every moment spent with you was a real gift and a true miracle. Sante, “President”, as I called you, always told me when things go wrong, set them right again with a cool and calm head. Thank you so much for the time you have given me and knowing you reside in that special place in my heart. I WILL MISS YOU DEARLY.

Your sister Thema

Christopher Brother August 30, 2015

Vincent was my brother and a father to me, advised me a lot about life. I respected him and loved him so much but the almighty lord loved him best. I will never forget our childhood days, walking to school together, you leading me as we took the different short cuts to go to school. Playing soccer as team mates for our primary school team, we were inseparable. I joined you in the USA so that we could continue our plans but there was a much better plan for you in heaven. You have left me to complete the various plans we discussed and I promise you I will. I will miss you so much and may you rest in perfect peace until we meet again.

Your brother, Christopher

Azah Che Daughter P August 30, 2015
To the most amazing father a girl could ever ask for; I will miss your encouraging words, your contagious laughter, your love for sports, your calm demeanor and unconditional love for your family. Thank you for always sticking by me and supporting through every up and down; good and not so good decision I've made. You've taught me the importance of hard work, the value of family and how to always remain strong and independent. I miss you...& I love you to the moon and back. Xoxo
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